Our economic behaviour in a global context
In our daily work, we strive to implement ethical and moral standards. The r2p Group holds as fundamental to its success the trust and confidence of those with whom it deals, including clients, suppliers and employees.
- Our German headquarter as well as our subsidiaries in the UK, Australia, Malaysia and SafeinTrain are certified according to ISO 9001.
- We base our business relations solely on objective criteria such as quality, service, pricing and sustainability.
- We do not use our market position to get advantages through dictating prices or refusing to supply.
- We do not knowingly infringe the valid patents, design rights, trademarks, copyright and other intellectual property rights of any third party.
- We comply with competition laws and do not take part in collusive pricing or cartel agreements. We avoid taking unfair advantage through manipulation, concealment or misrepresentation of key facts.
- We make sure that our subcontractors and suppliers operate in accordance with our own integrity requirements, including health and safety at work.
- Any contact with government regulators, ministers or officials must have the approval from your Line Manager and Group Legal.
Gifts, Hospitality and Prevention of Bribery
Most countries in the world have implemented laws prohibiting corruption. In some cases, bribes in foreign countries are even enforced across territorial boundaries. r2p is committed to a zero-tolerance approach towards bribery and corruption. We must immediately notify our Line Manager or Group Legal of any suspicious behaviour or actual bribery.
- We neither pay nor accept payments or other advantages from or to customers, suppliers or other parties that would influence business decisions.
- Facilitation payments are also prohibited. A facilitation payment is a payment to secure or expedite the performance of a routine or necessary action to which the payer of the facilitation payment has a legal or other entitlement. Although in some legislations, facilitation payments are not considered as bribery, the r2p Group does not engage in this practice.
- Occasional gifts of small value (less than 90 €) are an exception to that rule. Should cultural reasons make it inappropriate or impossible to turn down a gift, we donate it or raffle it within the company.
- Any gift or hospitality of more than a token value must be reported to your supervisor or Group Legal to determine if it may be accepted.
- We transparently account for all invitations we receive. If there is a requirement for overnight stays or foreign travel, prior written consent will be needed from your line Manager. For further details, please refer to our “Travel Guidelines” shared on ONEr2p.
These prohibitions apply to any person who may be seen to be representing the r2p Group and any improper behaviour with regard to the use of bribery or facilitation payments will be considered to be a breach of the employment contract and subject to disciplinary procedures.
Donations and Sponsoring
Donations and sponsoring activities consistent to the company values are part of our social commitment and responsibility.
When supporting organizations and projects with donations, we want to contribute to a good cause. We do not expect or accept anything in return. Our sponsoring activities can never be linked to seeking or obtaining an improper business advantage.
Prevention of Money Laundering
To protect r2p’s reputation and avoid potential criminal liability towards the company or even its employees, it is important not to become associated with criminal activities of others. In particular r2p does not receive the proceeds of criminal activities, as this can amount to the criminal offence of money laundering.
All employees are required to immediately report to their Line Manager, Group Legal, finance or their compliance department for review for any unusual or suspicious financial transactions. This may include a supplier or a customer requesting to pay funds to a bank account in the name of a different third party or outside the country of their operation or make payments in a form outside the normal terms of business or making spilt payments to several bank accounts and making significant overpayment and requesting immediately refund of the overpayment. For further information, please refer to the “Financial Manual” shared on ONEr2p.
Human Rights and Modern Slavery Ban
The r2p Group is vehemently opposed to the use of slavery in all forms (ILO Conventions 29 and 105); cruel, inhuman or degrading punishments; and any attempt to control or reduce freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
The r2p Group will ensure that all of its employees, agents and contractors are entitled to their human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Human Rights Act 1998.
The r2p Group will not enter into any business arrangement with any person, company or organisation which fails to uphold the human rights of its workers or who breach the human rights of those affected by the organisation’s activities.
Conflict Minerals
Today’s electronic technology relies heavily on minerals whose global occurrences are concentrated in few, politically instable and poor regions of the world. This is also true for the technologies used at the r2p Group: tantalum capacitors are a standard component for on-board PCs, for example. Our business is therefore dependent on these minerals. Their exploitation can be linked to armed conflicts, the violation of human rights and environmental damages – if we do not take measures against it. For these measures to work we depend on our suppliers’ support, as our in-house production depth reaches only the use of intermediate goods such as components but never the use of any raw materials.
- We expressly encourage our suppliers to monitor and certify their supply chains and honour this effort in our sourcing decisions.
- We invite and expect our partners to join us on this journey towards a fair and responsible usage of minerals for modern technology.
Child Labour Ban and Youth Protection
The r2p Group is vehemently opposed to child labour and will not accept it in any business activity including its supply chain (ILO Conventions 138 and 182).
- We expressly encourage our suppliers to monitor and certify their supply chains and honour this effort in our sourcing decisions.
- We invite and expect our partners to join us on this journey towards the compliance with child protection and human rights.
- If employing a juvenile, the r2p Group ensures they are over the local minimum age for employment. Any employee younger than 18 years must not perform dangerous work, work at nights and is entitled to more breaks.
Environmental Responsibility
We aim to minimise our environmental impact, both in product development and in our day-to-day work. Our German headquarter and UK offices are certified according to ISO 14001.
- We separate recyclable waste.
- We switch off our monitors and lights and use the power save mode of our computers when we leave the office. In doing so, we strive to steadily reduce our electricity consumption per capita.
- We want to steadily increase the fuel efficiency of our company cars.
- We use our company bikes and try to use public transport for travelling to our external appointments – not least to show our colours for eco-mobility to our customers and business partners.
- We expressly encourage our suppliers to monitor and certify their supply chains regarding their environmental impact and honour this effort in our sourcing decisions.
Data Protection
The r2p Group commits to protecting any information it obtains through the course of doing business, especially those entrusted to us by our clients. Specifically, we must:
- protect customer data and should not share it with any third parties
- protect personal information relating to co-workers, suppliers or business partners and
- keep any such information secure.
When dealing with personal information, we ensure business decisions are based on sound judgement and not personal information that could result in suggested discrimination. Please read and familiarise yourself with local data protection policies on the Intranet ONEr2p and, if unclear, speak to your line manager to ascertain how it applies to you in your role.
Information received by employees, contractors or agents of the r2p Group will not be used for any personal gain, nor will it be used for any purpose beyond that for which it was given. We will not seek to obtain competitors’ confidential information. Where an employee acquires a competitor’s confidential information unintentionally, they must not use it or forward it to anyone except their line manager or Group Legal.
Transparency and honesty are important to the r2p group and to our stakeholders why we are aiming at an open and direct communication with partners, suppliers and society.
Material information about our performance and prospects will always be published to the financial community at the same time so as not to advantage or disadvantage any particular organisation.